Step 1: Check to see if you are in the Sutter Health Plan service area.
Step 2: View our plans, rate guide, Evidence of Coverage and make your selection.
Step 3: You can complete your enrollment online or download the enrollment form, sign and send the completed form by email, fax, or mail.
How to submit your application:
You must email, fax, or mail us your signed and completed form. Missing information may delay the processing of your application. Do not include payment with your application.
(916) 736-5090
Sutter Health Plan
P.O. Box 160345
Sacramento, CA 95816
How to submit your first month’s premium payment:
If you are applying for coverage as a new policyholder — or on behalf of a new policyholder, please make your first month’s premium payment online or by check.
Pay your first month’s premium through the Sutter Health Plan Online Payment Center.
Complete the Remittance Slip on page 10 of the enrollment form and make your check payable to Sutter Health Plan. Mail your first month’s premium and completed Remittance Slip to:
Sutter Health Plan
P.O. Box 278136
Sacramento, CA 95827-8136
Do not include your application with your payment; it may delay processing your application.